Dental Work in Time for Christmas

Dental Work in Time for Christmas

With the end of 2021 fast approaching there is limited time remaining for the construction of Dentures or other dental Oral Appliances before Christmas.

A number of dental laboratories have advised that they will commence closing mid-late December, and therefore they cannot guarantee completion before Christmas for any dental work not received by 10th December 2021.  That is just over 3 weeks away! 

If your desire was to have that new Denture in time for Christmas then you need to consider scheduling your dental appointment as soon as possible. These timeframes are also important for any patient who hopes to have their dental Crown, Porcelain Veneer or Splint completed prior to Christmas.

You can call our surgery on (03) 5134 1311 and speak with our friendly staff in order to schedule your pre-Christmas dental needs.

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