Are your medications causing dry mouth?
A significant number of patients suffer from dry mouth (xerostomia). While there are many causes of dry mouth, we often see patients suffering dry mouth as a direct consequence of prescription medication. Dry mouth can put you at far greater risk of tooth decay amongst other things. In instances where prescription medication cannot be altered, it is essential patients follow several steps to maintain oral health. Keeping sugars to an absolute minimum via both food and drink is vital. Good hydration via regular sips of plain water is also important. There are several products that may also assist that we stock at the surgery, including tooth mousse, dry mouth gel and xylimelts, together with a fluoride containing toothpaste that may have a higher amount of fluoride content than regular toothpastes. Your dentist is the best person to advise you on the use of these products. It stands to reason regular examinations focused on prevention is essential.